Preaching through big cultural events can be challenging for pastors, requiring wisdom, discernment, and a shepherd’s heart. This episode of Preaching Through Podcast dives into how to navigate these difficult moments with grace and biblical faithfulness.
When major events occur, pastors face pressure to respond. But how should they approach controversy? Three common postures are emotional, indifferent/analytical, or political/partisan. However, the ideal approach is that of a shepherd – caring for the flock and pointing them to Christ.
Key questions to consider when deciding how to address cultural events include:
- How big of a story is this really?
- What’s the cost of addressing it vs. not addressing it?
- How does it relate to our church and community?
- Can we handle this sensitively given our congregation’s diversity?
- Are potential responses appropriate to the event’s significance?
Practical options for responding range from doing nothing, to offering a prayer, making an announcement, adjusting a sermon point, or even preaching a special message. The key is discerning what’s truly needed in each situation.
Importantly, pastors should cultivate ongoing preaching and leadership that prepares people to deal with pain and difficulty. This creates a culture of responding to challenges in a Christ-like way.
Ultimately, the goal is to disciple people to be like Jesus – not to be swayed by every news cycle. Pastors are encouraged to process events with trusted advisors, lead with conviction rather than fear, and give themselves and their congregations permission to not have an opinion on everything.
By approaching cultural moments with wisdom and a shepherd’s heart, pastors can help their people navigate difficult times while staying focused on Christ.