Creating a preaching calendar is a crucial tool for pastors, offering a strategic approach to sermon planning and church leadership. While some may view it as limiting the Holy Spirit’s guidance, a well-crafted preaching calendar actually allows for both structure and flexibility in ministry.
In this episode of Preaching Through Podcast, we dive deep into the most pressing questions about creating and utilizing a preaching calendar:
How far ahead should you plan? What elements should be included? How do you balance long-term planning with being responsive to current events? How can a preaching calendar support leadership development and time off for pastors?
We also explore practical tips on building a preaching calendar, from scheduling vacation time to identifying key dates in your church community. Learn how to create a balanced approach to sermon series, mixing expository preaching through books of the Bible with topical series.
The aim of a preaching calendar is to provide a framework for intentional teaching while still listening for the Holy Spirit’s guidance. We touch on the challenges of sticking to a plan and how to navigate necessary changes when they arise.
A preaching calendar doesn’t have to limit spontaneity or spiritual leading. If you can learn to view it as a tool for wisdom and strategic planning, even churches that have been hesitant about long-term sermon planning can find it to be an incredible asset for discipleship and leadership development.